Al Quoz to Sharjah Bus Timings | 309 Bus Route

Al Quoz to Sharjah Bus Timings 309 bus route

Sharjah is famous for its historic buildings and museums, such as the Sharjah Art Museum and the Sharjah Islamic Museum. Al Quoz is located in a central location in Dubai and is known for industrial and commercial activities, so travel from Sharjah is often done here for business purposes. The distance between Sharjah and Al Quoz is about 31 km, which can be covered in about 45 minutes by the RTA 309 bus route. if you want to go from Al Quoz to Sharjah or Sharjah to Al Quoz, and Sharjah to Abu Dhabi Bus read our articles. If you also want to travel by 309 bus then stay connected with our article and read it completely.

309 Bus Route Overview

Bus RouteDetails
Bus NameRTA 309 bus
Bus RouteFirst Stop: Interchange 4
Last Stop: Al Rolla Terminal Station
TimingsFirst Bus: 05:55 AM
Last Bus: 11:55 PM
Travel TimeApproximately 45 minutes
Distance31 Kilometers
Bus Fare15 AED
Total Stops06 Stops
309 Bus Route Overview

309 Bus Dubai has launched an RTA bus from Al Quoz to the Sharjah Bus Station. Due to the 309 bus people can easily travel from (Interchange 4) to (Al Rolla Terminal Station) at a meager fare. From Al Quoz to Sharjah, the 309 bus makes about 06 stops covering a distance of 31 kilometers and it takes 45 minutes to reach Al Quoz to Sharjah via the 309 bus route.

Al Quoz to Sharjah Bus Timings 309 bus route

Al Quoz to Sharjah Bus Timings

The 309 Bus departs from Al Quoz to the Sharjah bus station every 30 minutes from 05:55 AM to 11:55 PM every day. Around 40 buses depart for this journey throughout the day the timings are given below:

Al Quoz to Sharjah Bus Timings

  • First bus: 05:55 AM
  • Last bus: 11:55 PM
Friday05:55 AM to 11:55 PM
Saturday05:55 AM to 11:55 PM
Sunday05:55 AM to 11:55 PM
Monday05:55 AM to 11:55 PM
Tuesday05:55 AM to 11:55 PM
Wednesday05:55 AM to 11:55 PM
Thursday05:55 AM to 11:55 PM
Al Quoz to Sharjah Bus Timings

309 Bus Station Names

The 309 bus route has a total of 06 stops from Al Quoz to the Sharjah bus stop. All these stop names are given below along with the first and last bus information.

  1. Interchange 4
  2. Sharjah, Ithihad Road, Al Safeer Mall
  3. Al Wahda Rd, Subway
  4. Sharjah, Al Wahda Road , City Center 1
  5. King Faisal Road, Jumbo (Sony)
  6. Al Rolla Terminal Station

309 Bus Fare

Travel fare from Al Quoz to Sharjah by RTA 309 bus is only 15 AED. The 309 bus will easily take you from Al Quoz to Sharjah in just 45 minutes. So, to board this bus and travel from Al Quoz to Sharjah, the bus conductor has to pay 15 AED fare in cash or use a Sayer card.

Features Onboard the 309 Bus route

The 309 bus from Al Quoz to Sharjah has many features. But among these features, we have shared with you some brief features.

  • Air conditioning: All the buses are equipped with the best type of air-conditioning. Therefore, the passengers riding in it are not affected by how hot it is outside. Therefore, the ride can easily complete its journey even in the summer months.
  • Comfortable seating: 309 buses have been provided with the best adjustment seats. Therefore, the passenger can adjust the seat according to his/her own will and plan his/her journey. The seat can be adjusted to recline or sit comfortably.
  • Women and Children’s seats: Some buses also have designated seats specifically for women and children, providing a more comfortable and private travel experience for these groups.
  • Onboard Display: Apart from this, with the help of Onboard Display in the buses, the new passengers are also informed about the upcoming stop. It helps the new passengers to know their upcoming stop and they enjoy it to the fullest.
  • Free Wifi: The 309 bus also provides free internet service to its passengers. By using this the traveler can plan his journey easily.


What time does the 309 bus run and stop?

The departure time from Al Quoz to Sharjah is on every day at 05:55 AM and the last bus leaves at 11:55 PM.

How many stops are there on the way from Al Quoz to Sharjah?

On its way from Al Quoz to Sharjah, the 309 bus makes around 06 stops covering a distance of 31 kilometers in 45 minutes.

Where can I find more information about the 309 bus route?

Download the RTA Smart App and log in or sign up for your account for the best bus service and bus tracking online. Call Dubai RTA Customer Care number 800 90 90 for any information or to complain about any issue. Also, if you are based abroad, you can contact the RTA team directly by calling +971 4 605 1414۔

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