118 Bus Route | Al Ain to Sharjah Bus Timings

Al Ain to Sharjah Bus Timings | 118 Bus Routes and Fares

Now traveling from Al Ain to Sharjah is very easy. Because SRTA has inaugurated 118 bus route from Al Ain to Sharjah. With the help of this bus, you can easily go from Al Ain to Sharjah. With the help of 118 buses, you can easily go from Al Ain to Sharjah. It will be important to know the Al Ain to Sharjah bus timings.

Al Ain (Abu Dhabi) is the largest city in the United Arab Emirates. Therefore, Al Ain has a large population and people move to and from other cities in the UAE daily. If you want to go from Al Ain to Sharjah, you should use the 118 bus route. Find out Al Ain to Sharjah bus timings, fares, maps, and routes in this complete article today.

Al Ain to Sharjah Bus Timings & Destination

Al Ain to Sharjah bus timings start at 03:45 AM and end at 11:00 PM. 118 Bus every 45 minutes between 03:45 AM to 06:00 AM, every 60 minutes after 06:00 AM to 11:00 PM, and the last bus departs at 11:00 PM. Al Ain to Sharjah covers a distance of 151 km and reaches its last (Al Jubail Bus Station) stop in 2:45 hours.

118 Bus Stop Names and Nearest Landmarks

Sharjah To Al Ain Bus Route
Sharjah To Al Ain Bus Route

The 118 bus stop and its nearest landmarks are mentioned in the table below:

Stop NamesNearest Landmarks
Al Ain Central Bus StatioAl Ain Mall
King Faisal StreetKing Faisal Mosque
Ittihad Safeer Mall ShopSafeer Mall
Ittihad ParkSharjah City Centre
Al Wahda StreetAl Wahda Park
Al Jubail Bus StationAl Jubail Fish Market
118 Bus Stop Names and Nearest Landmarks

Al Ain to Sharjah Bus Timings

Below are the Al Ain to Sharjah bus timings. Note that bus timings may vary due to fluctuating weather conditions. Otherwise, the times for the 118 bus are usually the same as we have given you below:

DaysBus TimingsDestination
MondayFirst 3:45 AM & Last Time11:00 PMAl Ain to Sharjah
TuesdayFirst 3:45 AM & Last Time11:00 PMAl Ain to Sharjah
WednesdayFirst 3:45 AM & Last Time11:00 PMAl Ain to Sharjah
ThursdayFirst 3:45 AM & Last Time11:00 PMAl Ain to Sharjah
FridayFirst 3:45 AM & Last Time11:00 PMAl Ain to Sharjah
SaturdayFirst 3:45 AM & Last Time11:00 PMAl Ain to Sharjah
SundayFirst 3:45 AM & Last Time11:00 PMAl Ain to Sharjah
118 Bus Timings for the Al Ain to Sharjah route

Al Ain to Sharjah Bus Fares & Features

The 118 bus fare from Al Ain to Sharjah is charged only Dhs 33. This bus is the cheapest and most comfortable way to travel from Al Ain to Sharjah.

The 118 bus takes you easily from Al Ain to Sharjah in 2:45 hours. If you don’t board from Al Ain Central Bus Statio, the next stop, King Faisal Street, charges slightly less due to the shorter journey.

Features of 118 Bus Route

The 118 bus is designed as a good model and has excellent features. This 118 bus offers many comfort features to give passengers a peaceful journey, through which any passenger can easily plan their journey. Among these features, we have shared some brief features with you.

  • Air conditioning
  • Comfortable seating
  • Priority seating
  • Women’s and Children’s seats
  • Clean environment
  • Onboard Display
  • Free Wifi with 5G Speed

Al Ain to Sharjah Other Vehicle Fares

Other rides can be used to go from Al Ain to Sharjah. In which you can also get a taxi. The taxi journey is a little quicker because it doesn’t stop at any of its stops like a bus. After all, it doesn’t have any stops. Below are some other fares for Al Ain to Sharjah:

Vehicle TypeFares Approximate
Taxi300 Dhs
FlightNot Available
Uber, Careem, or Indrive300 Dhs
FerryNot Available
118 Bus33 Dhs
Al Ain to Sharjah Other Vehicle Fares

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to travel from Al Ain to Sharjah by 118 bus?

It takes about 2:45 hours to travel from Al Ain to Sharjah by 118 bus. The Al Ain to Sharjah bus covers a distance of approximately 151 kilometers to reach its destination.

How much is the 118 bus fare from Al Ain to Sharjah?

The 118 bus fare from Al Ain to Sharjah is charged only Dhs 33. This bus is the cheapest and most comfortable way to travel from Al Ain to Sharjah.

Where can I find more information about the 118 bus route?

You can call Sharjah RTA customer care number 8009090. If you are based abroad, you can contact the RTA team directly by calling +971 4 605 1414Û”

Which transport can I use to travel from Al Ain to Sharjah?

Apart from the bus, one can use a taxi or train to travel from Al Ain to Sharjah. You can also use online Apps Like Uber, Cream, or Indrive. With the help of these apps, the vehicle of your choice will come to your location to pick you up.

Additional Tips for a Smooth Journey

Make your journey smoother by following these Additional Tips for a Smooth Journey from Al Ain to Sharjah:

  • RTA Smart App: Download the RTA Smart App and log in or sign up for your account for the best bus service and bus tracking online.
  • Consider alternative routes: There may also be alternative bus routes or metro connections in Sharjah that may be faster or more convenient.
  • Be aware of peak hours: Buses tend to be crowded during peak hours (mornings and midnight). If possible, try to travel outside these times for a more comfortable journey.

118 Bus Route Live Tracking

One can install other UAE bus tracking apps and track them live. Track any bus in Sharjah using the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) Wojhati app, or you can call Sharjah RTA customer care number 8009090. If you are residing abroad, you can directly contact the RTA team by calling +97146051414.

RTA team contact hours are Monday to Thursday from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm and Friday from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm anytime. Roads and Transport Authority – Sharjah 600525252 and 065033333 or visit website https://www.srta.gov.ae/.

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